Words written on a notebook that says Bring your business online

The Future Is Online – Accelerating Digital Transformation Amidst COVID-19

There is no denying the fact that Covid-19 has been a significant moment in 2020 as it has changed everything from how we do business to how we live our lives. The change has been far-reaching; however, it has significantly impacted how SMEs run online.

By pushing the boundaries of where and how we can do business, the COVID-19 outbreak has forced businesses to look at digital media in a new light. The pandemic has not only turned our world upside down, but it has also forced us to re-visualize the everyday activities in which we were familiar.

There’s a Myriad of ways to Pivot Your Local Business to an Online Model

With digital strategies on everyone’s mind, the power of online innovation is pushing entrepreneurs towards a brighter future where impulsive regulatory changes don’t hold back opportunity.

How COVID changed fitness forever

The forced closure of yoga venues, dance studios, and gyms has turned the typically buzzing fitness industry on its head, but the classes are heading online. Earlier, most people preferred going to the gym and exercising, since they would get motivated to work out by seeing others.

However, due to COVID-19, fitness centers decided to move the action online. They experimented with free online training for a few months, to allow people to warm up to the idea, before moving sessions online. Many online group fitness classes are conducted on apps like Google Duo, Zoom, or Instagram Live.

Online fitness sessions and classes – the new normal

Times have been tough since fitness studios and gyms have been shut down for a while. However, online training is helping businesses keep going for a while. The demand for online gym sessions has increased as people stay home. With Tabata, yoga, bodyweight workouts, and dance routines among others, the options are infinite.

Online classes and personal training may continue to be huge in the post-COVID world. With online gym sessions booming, there are no excuses for being fit even if you can’t hit the gym. People are getting accustomed to it – they don’t have to dress up well, or drive all the way! They can just join the online fitness class from anywhere, anytime. Also, sales of technological fitness equipment have grown significantly, along with subscriptions for streaming fitness services and online classes.

C​OVID-19 has redefined the way you do business

Administrative stay-at-home orders around the nation are quickly transforming America into a ghost place. The government has shut down most nonessential businesses, and the few left running are learning to survive with little-to-no foot traffic.

COVID-19 has taught us some hard lessons, and the entrepreneurs that implement this learning swiftly are those that’ll stay upbeat. While your business might have been the go-to choice in town, it now needs to become accustomed to the impacts of the coronavirus. For example, brick and mortar businesses must be ready to compete for sales in the digital world. A robust digital presence empowers you to engage customers, keep workers employed, make revenue, and eventually keep your business active—pandemic or no pandemic.

Online presence is no longer a choice. It’s a necessity!

Brick-and-mortar businesses with a digital presence before COVID-19 have a great advantage. However, if you don’t fall into this category, then it’s high time to get started.

Below, we’ll show you how digital transformation can keep your business going amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

  • Ensure Consistent and Timely Communication with Customers

Seamless communication is important, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. You must keep your customers engaged and updated with your latest business activities. This helps to strengthen your communication with customers. Make sure your communication is quality-oriented. Don’t just send out a text or an email to your customers because your competitors are doing it. Rather, your focus should be on giving valuable updates to your customers. Examples include the latest store policies, Updates on store closures and reopening, services, and products offered, and more.

  • Connect With Your Potential Customers 

Customers aren’t going to stroll into your business, so you must reach them wherever they are. That simply doesn’t mean advertising outside their places. At present, your potential customers are busy swiping through their social media feeds, refining their email inboxes, texting, and playing their favorite video games. You need to find them at these places. Identify the key channels your customers use, and make sure you are available there. For some small businesses, that might be Google Display Ads, Email, and Facebook. For others, it might be Stack Overflow, Reddit, and GitHub.

  • Create (or Update) Your Website

Keep your website updated with the latest news and business services. If you haven’t yet, this is the right time to experiment with your e-commerce business. Think of things in your business that you can easily sell online. For this purpose, you must have an attractive yet functional website that customers can visit. You can consider website-building sites like Wix or Squarespace to create your business website with easy drag-and-drop functionalities.  

Final Words

Future-proof your business in the digital landscape! COVID-19 proves that every business needs a strong digital presence. Whether you agree or not, the world (even without the pandemic) is becoming more connected digitally than it is physically. An online presence helps you stay relevant and connected to your clients—even if you are a small business. It’ll not only help you through the COVID-19 outbreak, but it’ll also improve the way you engage with your clients—digitally and in real life.

TL;DR: If your business is not online now, work on getting it there so you’re not left behind.

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